You’ll fail at a 100% of the goals you don’t set
Setting realistic FINANCIAL GOALS and ACTIONS to achieve them.
Perhaps you’d like to take a vacation next summer? Or, maybe you plan to return to study in the next five years?
Whatever your goals might be, you have a better chance of achieving them if you write them down.
As you list your goals, divide them into three categories: short-term, medium-term, and long-term.
- Short-term goals might include buying a new computer, or paying off credit card debt.
- Medium-term goals could be purchasing a car or returning to study.
- Long-term goals might be to buy a rental property or retire with enough money to live comfortably.
Try to set SMART goals. These are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Make sure you prioritize your goals. Which ones are the most important to you? Add the actions you need to take in order to achieve your goals next to each one. And then, set a timeframe. Hang the completed plan on your fridge or in your office – somewhere that you will see it on a regular basis. The more you see it, the more chance you have of striving towards your goals and reminding yourself of the actions you need to take in order to achieve them!