Where’s the value in ongoing advice?

When you seek one-off advice from a financial planner, it’s at a point in time. Then it’s up to you to make sure you stay on track with your plan. Alternatively, you can choose to work in partnership with your financial planner to keep you on track & help you achieve what’s important – to you.
Ongoing advice is very different to one-off advice. With ongoing advice you’re looked after on an ongoing basis, by an expert. As your circumstances or goals change, or the complex rules change, your financial planner will make the necessary adjustments to keep you heading in the right direction. Below we’ve listed the top five reasons why Highview clients value ongoing advice with their financial planner:

Whether you’re building wealth, planning your retirement, or already retired, keeping an eye on issues such as the financial markets, the local & global economy can be stressful & overwhelming. You can rest easy knowing that your planner is there, sitting on your side of the table, continuing to provide you with clarity and valuable insight and helping you make better financial decisions.

The rules around super are complex & change on a regular basis. Without knowing, you may be missing out on opportunities, or putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Your planner knows the ins & outs of these complex super rules. Also, as the rules change, you can be confident they’ll ensure you’re still making the most of your super & minimising your risks.

Investing is complex. As the markets or your circumstances change, your planner will review whether you need to change your investment choice or re-balance your portfolio, keeping you informed & always in control.

Your planner can help you structure your super contributions & investments in a way that could reduce your tax burden & keep more money in your pocket. Planners understand the many nuances that come with tax & how to make them work for you. Your planner will also work closely with other advisers, such as your Highview accountant, to ensure all your bases are covered.

Many investors make decisions in differing market conditions that later, with the benefit of hindsight, they regret. Working with your planner can close what has been dubbed the “Behaviour Gap”. A Morningstar research report ‘Mind the Gap 2021’* identified that investors over the prior 10 years had returns that were 1.7% p.a. lower than the market – attributed to poor investor decision making. If your planner can help you achieve that extra 1.7% p.a. that’s incredible value added.

Our Financial Planners are here for you:

DISCLAIMER: Financial Planning is offered through our subsidiary Highview Wealth Solutions Pty Ltd T/AS Highview Accounting & Financial ABN 96 135 996 842. Highview Wealth Solutions Pty Ltd (Corporate Authorised Representative No 337009), Silvio Marinelli (Authorised Representative No 457162), Bruce Chisholm (Authorised Representative No 1235025) & D’Avery Pillay (Authorised Representative No 469915) of Akambo Pty Ltd t/a Accountants Private Advice. AFSL 322056.