Say G-day to Nick!

Nick McPhillips has been with Highview for over 7 years. Joining the team initially to complete his work experience component while in  year 10 – he’s still here – he was that much of a superstar we never let him leave!

nick-photoNick has gone from strength to strength over the years and is a great asset to our team – now a fully fledged qualified Accountant.

We asked Nick a couple of questions, and here’s what he said…

What’s your favourite part of the job?

” Two things:  Firstly, achieving a desired result for a client – when you work with a client who has a goal and assist them along their way to achieving the goal. You get a great deal of satisfaction when the desired result is achieved and the client is reaping the rewards.

Secondly, the work environment at Highview– we are not only work colleagues we are like a family, which creates an enjoyable environment to be each day.”

What are you most looking forward to in 2014? “The quiet season! And maybe a holiday!”