Highview is THRILLED to announce and congratulate Carlia Morgan as our newest Partner of our leadership group. She will be heading up our next venture - providing Highview services to the Bass Coast region!
Supporting this charity was sparked by a personal journey that was bravely shared by our team member, Terri. We felt it should be shared in an effort to educate our community on how fundraising can make a real impact.
With tax scams surging, is important to remain vigilant & know how to protect your personal information. Easily identify fraudster's common scamming tactics by reading our insightful tips.
Co-founder, Silvio Marinelli is off to Harvard Business school in the United States for a 6-day intensive education program. Read all about his upcoming trip.
There are many cost-effective ways to get the kids out & about these school holidays. We’ve done some research for you & listed our favourite cheap and free options!