Many of our clients have, or are considering purchasing, one or more investment properties. Multiple strategies exist to help you minimise your tax and many are impacted by timing - getting the timing right..
Good debt involves borrowing to purchase an asset that should appreciate in value or provide an income stream. Bad debt, on the other hand, is associated with spending on things that will have little value in the future.
As October hits it’s time to reward our staff for the hard work (and long hours) put in during tax time with an event filled with excitement; one that staff literally count down to each year.
The Australian Tax Office is continuing an ongoing review of businesses operating in the building and construction industry, primarily those dealing directly with consumers.
Highview Accounting Services were crowned the region's business of the year at the inaugural 2014 Casey Cardinia Business Awards gala event on Thursday 9 October.
The team at Highview Accounting Prahran were in high spirits last night as they hosted the Grand Opening of their newly renovated offices at 135 High Street.
We came across this article and thought it was spot on. David Naylor from Chan & Naylor shares 7 relatively easy ways to achieve your financial goals with very little personal effort.