Now is a great time to review your Budget. By investing a few minutes now, you can get sorted and end 2016 it in a better position and make some real progress to achieve what’s important to you.
Goals can be split into three main areas; financial, personal and health. Try not to make them so huge or unrealistic that they freak you out every time you read them! That’s a recipe for disaster.
The place to be this year was in the Highview Accounting Cider Marquee at Peninsula Cup Day!
Over 500 people joined us in our sponsored marquee, and boy did we have a great time!
Are you always on the go? Save time and keep your tax organised with the ATO app's myDeductions tool. The myDeductions tool makes it easier and more convenient for you to keep your individual income tax related deduction
In our opinion, completing an annual review of your property portfolio (no matter the size) is a must-do step for maximising your investment properties portfolio performance. In this article we highlight the elements..
Superannuation administration for employers is thoroughly overhauled and ready to go. SuperStream is a Federal Government initiative to simplify and standardise superannuation data standards. Already all medium to large
If you're buying off the plan, there are a number of legal requirements you should be aware of. Don't sign any off the plan contracts until you've done your homework.
Bruce Chisholm is a well-rounded professional. He is a highly skilled and qualified Financial Planner with a wealth of life and business experience coupled with accolades in support of his expertise and knowledge.
If you use your own phone(s) or internet for work purposes, you may be able to claim a deduction if you paid for these costs and have records to support your claims.