For almost 2 years our Cranbourne office had been bursting at the seams – the expediential growth of this firm required a larger space, and boy did we deliver!
A sales strategy is a comprehensive plan to get customers to purchase your products or services. All business owners should dedicate the time to create, understand and then implement their sales strategy.
The Australian Taxation Office has announced that from 1 July 2017 they can disclose to Credit Rating Agencies the tax debt information of businesses that have not effectively engaged with the ATO to manage those debts.
They say growing a business without goals is like sailing a ship without a rudder. I have never been sailing but imagine it’s pretty difficult without something keeping you on course and steering you through the..
Sadly managing our personal finances is not one of the skills they teach us at school. It is not easy, and for many, the thought of preparing and managing a budget is just-well-boring.
It’s probably no surprise that individuals with documented goals are far more likely to achieve success. Having goals is great, but without implementing a plan, you may not get there.
As your year winds to a close, and you have a little ‘spare time’ between Christmas and the new work year starting, it’s a good idea to take some time to review and consider your superannuation situation.
Are you interested in getting a better return on your investments? If so, come along and hear our expert Bruce Chisholm discuss the importance of portfolio construction and tips for asset management.