Our team of Accountants get asked this question on a DAILY basis. And we get it. Sometimes it might seem frustrating to see refund amounts differ on the surface. But with tax, you're not comparing apples to apples.
At Highview, cyber security is one of our highest priorities. We have a fantastic IT Management company that we work closely with, because when you’re not an expert & you want something done right you engage an expert.
Today, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced a backflip on tough new JobKeeper rules, meaning more businesses will have access to payments from September. This article simplifies the changes.
The Australian Tax Office has addressed uncertainty from small businesses concerned around how it will treat loans that have been put on hold during the coronavirus crisis.
This week has seen a very high percentage of businesses face a forced six-week shutdown, or at the least a forced drop in staff numbers/production on Victorian operations.
Sit less, move more. You know you should. But all too often, time gets away from you and before you know it you’ve been on your backside for four hours straight.
Last week, the ATO’s Assistant Commissioner of Small Business, Andrew Watson, joined tax specialist Debra Anderson on the MyBusiness Live webcast: ‘Tax Time 2020 in the face of COVID-19 Stimulus Measures’.
Changes to JobKeeper and JobSeeker were announced yesterday, 21 July 2020. Our team has worked through the finer details of these changes to provide a clear summary in the below two Fact Sheets.