Economic uncertainty may have prompted you to reduce, change or cancel your business interruption insurance. That’s a natural reaction in these uncertain times.
You’d expect your insurance premiums would stay the same, if not decrease if you’ve continually improved your risk management over a long period in business and made no claims.
It’s probably not necessary to emphasise how much 2020 has been dominated by the global COVID-19 outbreak. But for Australia, 2020 didn’t exactly get off on the right foot even before the impending pandemic.
With the budget announcement of the top 32.5% tax bracket increasing to $120,000, those earning $120,000 should have an extra $2,430 of take home pay each year. So why not do something smart with it?
Simon Byers, CPA & Partner of our Prahran Office, gives us a snapshot of the Budget 2020 announced by Frydenberg yesterday & outlines the key impacts on Businesses & Individuals.
Financial planning is a lifelong endeavour, and it’s important to be putting in place the strategies that suit your lifestyle, but with one eye on the future.