Current Australian directors will now have one year to apply for their unique director identification number before fines of over $1.1 million kick in for non-compliance.
Scamwatch is urging people to be extra vigilant about scams after Australians reported a record $211 million in losses to scams so far this year, an 89% increase compared to the same period last year!
We’re excited to announce that our Highview offices reopen on Wednesday 3rd November – noting there will be changes in the way we operate in-line with Government guidelines & our Highview COVIDSafe plan.
The Victorian Government’s Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four - Construction provides one-off payments to eligible employing and non-employing businesses in the construction sector.
Our good friends at Law Squared? are helping to provide our clients & community some clarity on one of the pressing issues around vaccinations and the workplace.