How much did Hughesy overpay?


Highview friends and Property experts at 1Group recently had a lively discussion about Dave Hughes’ purchase of Josh and Elyse’s house from the 2017 television series of ‘The Block’. They all agreed that the Melbourne comedian paid too much for the Elsternwick home.

Here’s what they had to say:
Hughesy admitted he was “annoyed” after the bank valued the five-bedroom property at “much less” than he paid So, for a bit of fun, the team at 1Group Property Advisory thought we’d run our eyes over the $3.067m purchase and see how much it’s really worth.

Based on our assessment, we think Hughesy has paid anywhere between $417,000 and $517,000 too much…. We’re confident that it is closer to the $500,000 mark.

To add to his woes, he had trouble renting the place out.  Hughesy’s wife, Holly, was against the purchase.


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