Highview’s response to COVID-19.

An update on what we are doing, keeping your safety top of mind.

1. OUR CLIENTS: We are here for you remotely!

We are strongly encouraging remote appointments. Call us, Email us, Book a Zoom, Google Duo or Facetime Meeting. Business is as usual for us on these fantastic platforms. If you can stay home, you must. Rest assured, our service excellence & results will not be impacted!

2. OUR TEAM: Together we can stop the spread.

Our people are our most important asset & their well-being is everything to us. We have implemented strict team guidelines in response to COVID-19 that ensures unwell employees do not enter our premises, that they stay home & receive all the support they need.

3. OUR OFFICES: Conditions of entry apply.

For the safety of our clients & our team, all people entering our office will immediately:

  • Have their temperature checked & contact details recorded
  • Be required to sanitise their hands
  • Be required to practice social distancing at all times

4. OUR OFFICES: New daily procedures.

Our daily regular activities have changed. Our teams at each office are working hard to ensure that we strictly meet the latest Government guidance on hygiene & cleaning. This covers handwashing hygiene, sterilisation & common area cleaning procedures.

5. We are keeping informed.

We are closely monitoring local health agencies for the latest developments related to COVID-19 & following the guidance of government & public health officials.