HIGHVIEW STAFF RETREAT 2023. Strengthening Staff Resilience & Wellbeing.

On the 17th & 18th of February our entire Highview team were taken on a jam-packed retreat at Silverwater Resort in San Remo. Within our business we have a set of Guiding Principles that we live & breathe by. These relate to positively nurturing the Highview family, balancing life & work, team connection, as well as our commitment towards continuous improvement as a business. This retreat was the perfect way for our business to lead our team & take action on our Guiding Principles – our Guiding Principles are more than just words & we value our #highviewfamily greatly. This became overwhelmingly evident over a tremendous weekend filled with so many positive highlights!
Our team was taken on a journey through the evolution of the Highview business – reiterating our ongoing commitment to our clients & exciting plans for the future. Keynote speaker Shannah Kennedy hosted an incredibly inspiring workshop. She was a master at educating our team on how to build their life road map with personal & professional goals. She spoke about mental health, wellbeing & life plans. Thank you Shannah – our team found this session highly rewarding! The afternoon was filled with interactive team workshops! Working together to identify ways we can improve our business & continue to evolve. Dinner, drinks & fun at the end – connection was key!
We had a truly emotional experience with a workshop facilitated by REACH. There were many vulnerable stories shared, lots of tears & even more hugs! The support within our team for one another was simply beautiful. True courage was shown & the facilitators at REACH evoked feelings within many of our team members that they didn’t even know they had inside them! It was an incredibly positive & deeply valuable session – thank you to the legends at REACH for doing what they do best!
We asked our team to share with us their HIGHLIGHTS from the retreat… WOW. Take a read!
We are so proud of our Highview family & feel humbled to be a business that prides itself on leading passionately! Our hope is that other businesses can see the value our team gained & do the same with theirs! 😊