Have you heard about the ATO ‘myDeductions’ tool?


Are you always on the go? Save time and keep your tax organised with the ATO app’s myDeductions tool. The myDeductions tool makes it easier and more convenient for you to keep your individual income tax related deductions all in one place.

You can use the myDeductions tool to:

  • capture and classify work-related expenses, gifts and donations or the cost of managing your tax affairs
  • store photographs of receipts
  • record car trips

myDeductions is for individuals claiming work-related expenses as an employee. You can also record any gifts, donations or the cost of managing tax affairs. It is not for small business owners, including sole traders.

Watch myDeductions in action
Click here to watch the quick demo to see how you can save time and keep your records organised with myDeductions.

Whether you lodge your own return or use a tax agent, you can use the myDeductions tool to keep your deductions records. Next year at tax time you can simply send your deductions data via email to Highview. Make sure you stay up to date with the latest version of the App to use this option in the future.
Never miss out on a deduction claim because of a lost receipt again. Simply download the ATO app now to start using the myDeductions tool – it’s that quick and easy.