Gain peace of mind heading into retirement.

Our Financial Planner D’Avery Pillay shares with us a recent case study outlining the importance of forward-thinking & gaining advice from a trusted financial planning expert. He explains how this can provide peace of mind & clarity for those at a stage in life considering their retirement options.
Current Highview Clients *client names & specific details changed for privacy reasons.
- Peter was looking to retire in the next 3 years & he wanted to start preparing for that now. There was a lot on his mind & he had quite a few questions. So, he made an appointment with myself, upon being referred to me by his Highview Accountant.
- He is the main financial decision maker in his household & while his wife Janet trusted him & was comfortable leaving all the financial decisions to him, he confided to me that sometimes he was a little unsure if he was ‘doing the right thing’ & making the right moves financially. Hence, coming to see me.
- One retirement scenario Peter & Janet were considering was moving to Sydney. They were keen to explore the financial impacts of an interstate move.
- After our initial meeting, where I gained all the details I required from them both, I went away & did some further investigation.
- We based our following meeting around 4 different scenarios in which we used detailed cashflow models to illustrate the impact different decisions would have on their retirement.
- After providing detailed advice to Peter & Janet, Peter told me that he now had clarity about their options & that he left the meeting feeling like he was better prepared for retirement & ‘doing the right thing’ being thoroughly financially informed.
In Summary
Financial advice is moulded around our client’s objectives. A major goal of mine as a financial planner is to provide our clients with better financial futures, but also a sense of peace & confidence in making their decisions. Knowledge truly is power.
If this case study connects with you, or you know anyone who could be in a similar situation, please don’t hesitate to touch base with me. I’m here to help!
D’Avery Pillay
Financial Planner
Authorised Representative No. 469915 of Akambo Pty Ltd t/a Accountants Private Advice Highview Wealth Solutions Pty Ltd Trading as Highview Accounting & Financial.