JobKeeper Payment passed Parliament – here are the facts.

As the effects from COVID-19 continues & the impacts to the business community are becoming clearer, the State & Federal Governments are increasingly acting to counter the problem with new economic measures. On the 30th March 2020, the Government announced an investment of $130 billion to subsidies wages in order to ensure Aussies keep their jobs & businesses reopen following the Coronavirus health crisis – this investment is known as the ‘JobKeeper Payment’.
The JobKeeper Payment successfully passed through legislation on
Wednesday 8th April. Our team have summarised the information provided by the Government for you in the below Fact Sheets:
EMPLOYERS – JobKeeper Payment Fact Sheet
EMPLOYEES – JobKeeper Payment Fact Sheet
SELF EMPLOYED – JobKeeper Payment Fact Sheet
GENERAL INFO & COMPLIANCE – JobKeeper Payment Fact Sheet
These Fact Sheets are a part of our greater COVID-19 Government Stimulus Fact Sheets & Resources provided on our website here.
HOW TO APPLY? The ATO have not yet opened applications for the JobKeeper Payment, however you can register your interest with the ATO here. As soon as these details are advised we will update our clients & community on how to apply & work closely with you to determine eligibility.
We hope you find these Fact Sheets helpful!
Stay safe & well everyone,
The Highview Team.