EASY TAX 2023 – Our Individual Income Tax Return Online Form is almost ready!

Begin preparing your documentation – our 2023 Online Form is almost finalised for our Individual Income Tax Return clients. Keep an eye out for our email.
Easy Tax Individual Tax Returns – did we just hear a sigh of relief knowing that you’ll be able to complete yours for 2023 very soon? Our online Tax Return option combines the confidence of having an expert take care of your Tax Return details and processing, with the convenience of not having to make an office visit.
Our team are amid finalising all details within our Online Form for our Individual Income Tax Return clients. We will send this to you all via email within the next week. If this is how you’d like to complete your Tax Return with us this year, please begin preparing your documentation, ready to complete our Online Form when it hits your email inbox.
Why is EASY TAX so great?

Our highly qualified tax experts will review and carefully prepare your return. They will contact you to confirm any details or to update you on the progress of your Tax Return ensuring you get the personal attention you deserve.

No more worrying about missing valuable tax deductions. We’ll ensure all the right questions are asked and inform you of all you’re entitled to claim.

Let us take the stress out of tax time. Make your Tax Return process conveniently fit into your life schedule this year with our secure and simple online form accessible 24/7.
If you have not received our email by Friday 7th July please email your local office via the channels below.
CRANBOURNE CLIENTS: tax@highview.com.au
PRAHRAN CLIENTS: scarlett@highview.com.au
MORNINGTON CLIENTS: sam@highview.com.au
RINGWOOD CLIENTS: ringwood@highview.com.au
Please note, this online process does not change the fees charged for the completion of Individual Income Tax Returns by our team.
This is simply a change to the way we gather your information, prior to us completing the usual work involved in preparing and lodging your Tax Return with the ATO.
If you have further queries regarding this process, please contact your local Highview office directly.
The Highview Team.