Darren Crowther advances to FCPA status!

On Tuesday 15th October, Darren Crowther, Partner of Highview Accounting & Financial, attended the CPA Australia Awards Ceremony at Crown Palladium. On this night he was officially announced as a Fellow of CPA Australia, an FCPA!
The FCPA designation is a prestigious honorary title awarded to Certified Practicing Accountants (CPAs) who, through their outstanding achievements including community leadership, bring distinction to the accounting profession and serve as a role model to others.
To advance to FCPA status you must be a highly-experienced CPA and have at least 15 years’ full-time work experience in accounting, finance or business, including at least five years in an executive position or as a public accountant.
Progressing to FCPA status means that you are recognised as an expert in your field. It is the highest echelon of the accounting profession. FCPAs are renowned worldwide as having gained unparalleled experience in the field of accounting and finance.
FCPAs are also recognised and respected around the world as being leaders in their industries, and the fellowship marks the strong, ongoing relationship with CPA Australia.
We are incredibly proud of Darren, the first Partner of Highview Accounting & Financial to gain this recognition!