COVID Vaccination Policy – Employers & their Duty of Care.

Our good friends at Law Squared are helping to provide our clients & community some clarity.
With State Governments announcing roadmaps out of lockdowns, one of the pressing issues remains around vaccinations and the workplace. Businesses need to undertake a Risk Assessment as to whether they will require employees to be vaccinated in line with the National recommendation.
To help you understand your options around Vaccinations in the Workplace, our friends at Law Squared have created a free Vaccination Policy.
Whether you need to direct, encourage, or introduce a vaccination incentive, is a matter that must be considered carefully and shared in the form of a policy with your employees.
This free resource provides employers with the foundations to creating their own policy for their business. If you would like to discuss the policy and tailor it to your circumstance, seek specific written advice or have a Risk Assessment being undertaken for your business, then Law Squared’s Employment + Workplace Relations Team can carry out a fixed-fee consultation with you to provide the advice, and make changes to directly tailor the policy to your business.
We hope that this resource assists you and your business in combating the ongoing challenges being faced due to COVID-19 and we invite you to contact your local office to chat to your trusted Highview specialist, or speak directly with Law Squared should you require further assistance specifically regarding your COVID Vaccination Policy for your workplace.
Stay well & safe.
Team Highview.