COVID-19 Employer Guide.

Managing the workplace in the face of the outbreak.
The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been the dominating news topic of 2020 so far. Australian health officials maintain that, at this point, the risk of contracting COVID-19 remains relatively low in all parts of Australia. However, given the rate of transmission of COVID-19, the impact on Australian businesses is changing daily. It is therefore important for employers to be prepared to respond as COVID-19 continues to develop both in Australia and globally.
What then should employers do to manage through the COVID-19 outbreak? The Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry has prepared an information booklet focussed on managing and protecting your employees and your workplace and answering some of the workplace relations and work health and safety (WHS) questions that are coming up for employers.
The information booklet is set out in a way to address the key safety and employment issues, outlining the base position and then additional questions that may arise. Employers should, however, at all times be conscious of their particular legal obligations that will apply under the Fair Work Act 2009, respective State and Territory WHS legislation and workers compensation legislation, enterprise agreements, awards, contracts and policies and should seek further advice where necessary.
View the information booklet COVID-19 Employer Guide here.
Victorian Chamber of Commerce & Industry