CHECK-IN CHALLENGE – Our mental health is incredibly important.

Have you been checking-in with your family members, neighbours & colleagues each week? If you have, keep it up! Our mental health during COVID-19 and our return to ‘normal’ is important.
Everyone – absolutely everyone – has been impacted in some way or another, and our feelings during this challenging time may not be feelings we easily recognise as they may be feelings never experienced before. Coronavirus lockdown made many of us anxious. But for some people, returning to ‘normal’ might be scarier. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it’s OK to feel this way. There is still a lot of uncertainty, and the world we knew is different. Often those who appear the strongest may not feel the strongest. It is important that we all check-in with those around us, a simple ‘How are you going?’ could go a very long way.
We at Highview would like to set a challenge for our Highview community this week…
Check-in on TWO people you would usually see weekly and ask them how they are going in this strange environment. Then be a supportive and good listener and share some positivity to their day.
We guarantee that the two people you ‘check-in’ on will be grateful (at the very least!). Who knows, you may even make their day or week a whole lot brighter. The power of a check-in can not be underestimated.
The more people that take up this little challenge results in the more people feeling a little brighter!
For further reading on mental health headspace is a great resource.
Headspace says that it’s important to also check in with yourself too and it’s helpful to practice self-care. Their resources below might help you during this unusual time and give you a sense of control.
Helpful Headspace resources:
Tips to help manage any changes to daily life as a result of containment measures.
– How to cope with stress related to Coronavirus
– Responding to family conflict
– Balancing online schooling and working from home
Headspace Centres:
While things are changing with COVID-19, we want you to know that your local Headspace centre is still here for you. Some of our centres are operating a combination of in-person, online and phone services. If you need help please get in touch with your local centre directly. Find a centre near you. Or chat online.
Here’s some alternate support you can access:
Beyond Blue Support Services
If you are in urgent need of support, or are concerned that someone you know may be at immediate risk, contact the Beyond Blue Support Service.
Financial support for those who have lost their job
The Australian Government is providing financial assistance to individuals who have lost their jobs to support themselves and their families.
If you are experiencing financial hardship
If you are experiencing financial hardship, the National Debt Helpline offers free financial counselling.
Stay well, stay safe.
Team Highview.