You’d expect your insurance premiums would stay the same, if not decrease if you’ve continually improved your risk management over a long period in business and made no claims.
Financial planning is a lifelong endeavour, and it’s important to be putting in place the strategies that suit your lifestyle, but with one eye on the future.
Password attacks are just one example of the different cyber attacks that businesses can succumb to in the digital environment. Password hacks can be one of the most damaging attacks a website can receive.
From the comfort of his home office, let our CPA Nick McPhillips guide you through the extended JobKeeper 2.0 Package with this helpful informative video clip.
LinkedIn is the largest professional social media network in the world, making it a crucial platform for any businesses looking to build networks or connections within the professional environment.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the superannuation savings of most Australians. Asset values have fallen, so superannuation balances have fallen.
Victorians have a lot going on, and although we all have differing opinions on the state of emergency we find ourselves in right now, one thing we can all 100% agree on is the importance of supporting local right now.
At Highview, cyber security is one of our highest priorities. We have a fantastic IT Management company that we work closely with, because when you’re not an expert & you want something done right you engage an expert.