Bruce’s thoughts on the new Super choice rules.

You may be aware that from 1 November you’ll have an extra step to take if you have new employees start and they don’t choose a super fund. Have a read of our recent blog if you need to know more.
Fergus Halliday at has written a thought provoking article around the broader implications of this issue.
Personally, I’m hoping that Australians become far more engaged with their super and make smarter choices about what is the best for them. In the past I would have said that people spend more time planning their next overseas holiday than on their finances and superannuation, however, unfortunately, I’m sure not too many overseas holidays are being planned at the moment! Hopefully next year…
One of the options (and it is just one of the options and not appropriate for everyone) mentioned in the article is Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs).
Many a time I have seen the ‘light bulb’ over clients’ heads light up when I’m explaining ‘Super 101’ and the benefits of a SMSF. I see clients becoming far more engaged with their superannuation when they understand how they can significantly benefit from the tax effective structure of superannuation, and at the same time boost their business through acquisition of business premises within super.
We can assist you with considering the various super options and also help you establish a SMSF, if this is right for you.
If you’d like to speak with me about your specific circumstances, or are keen to book a Zoom Discovery Meeting, please send me an email,
Bruce Chisholm
Financial Planner
Authorised Representative No. 1235025 of InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd Licence No. 246638. Highview Wealth Solutions Pty Ltd Trading as Highview Accounting & Financial
DISCLAIMER: Bruce has written his article for general information purposes only and it does not constitute personal advice. This information has been prepared without considering any individual’s objectives, financial situation or needs. You should not act solely on the basis of material contained in this article. We recommend that formal advice is sought which considers all your individual objectives and needs.