Beyond Blue CEO talks mental health in the workplace: Tips to help you cope.

Late last month, MyBusiness hosted a special, three-day, virtual event to help small-business owners wade through the rough COVID-19 seas.
Editor Maja Garaca Djurdjevic chatted with Georgie Harman about the importance of mental health in the workplace and why it’s everyone’s business.
Ms Harman shared some key tips to help employers recognise when their employees may be mentally struggling through the coronavirus crisis and steps to take to help them navigate through the tough environment.
Ms Harman also provided some key tips that small-business owners can use to check in with themselves.
If you are suffering from depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts, or you’re worried about someone else and feel that urgent professional support is needed, contact your local doctor or one of the 24/7 crisis agencies below:
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636