Advice on Meeting Dreaded Deadlines
In this hectic high paced world we live in now and all the available tools technology has at our disposal, are we any better at time management and meeting deadlines?
Here are some tips I use to better manage my time and how I meet those dreaded deadlines.
- Break all tasks into small steps. Procrastinators turn the saying “Can’t see the forest for the trees” on its head. Don’t focus on the forest, start with a single tree and work from there.
- Be specific. If you only achieve 80% of a daily goal that is still a good result and you are better off than when you started.
- Stop negative talk. Focus on being positive, look forward and plan.
- Publicise your goals. Write them on a white board at work or share them with your mentor. You hold yourself more accountable once you’ve made something public.
- Use technology. There are hundreds of free web based productivity apps and programs that can help you plan.
TIP: Trello is a fantastic app and our whole admin team use this technology daily in our office!
Good luck!
Silvio Marinelli, partner of Highview Accounting Services