7 Tips to Build Resilience for Business Owners, Managers & Team Members.

Happy New Year everyone! I thought I would share some tips that people can use leading into a new year. Covid has certainly thrown us all sorts of challenges and as we embark on a new year, I’m hoping the below tips can assist you in having an awesome year!
- Self-Awareness – Understand yourself, that if you need assistance or are struggling, know what you need to do and recognise these signs and take the appropriate action.
- Prioritise Self Care – We sometimes get so busy in life that we forget to go outside and get some fresh air and exercise, it may be listening to music or reading a book, whatever floats your boat. But making time for yourself is very important. Also make sure you are having annual medical check-ups, we do it for our cars, we should do it for ourselves.
- Finding Coping Strategies – Whether it’s meditation or mindfulness, or writing a journal, find ways to help you relax. Also planning your day or week ahead is a great stress reliever. Then having the discipline to recognise what’s important and what’s maybe not so important and prioritise as you go.
- Spending time with family & friends – If Covid has taught us anything it’s how much we need connection with family and friends, don’t take those relationships for granted, nurture and treasure them.
- Communicate – With team members, clients, check-in with your people and keep team morale strong and relationships with clients solid.
- Connect with peers – Join a networking group, share ideas, learn from others. It’s a really great way to grow and step outside your comfort zone. You can never stop learning.
- Reflect – Take the time to reflect on what has happened, adjust what needs to change but most importantly celebrate the wins along the way, it’s critical to enjoy the ride.
Have an awesome year!
Silvio Marinelli
Co-Founder & Partner of Highview Accounting & Financial